/*## Important note to developers: Not all servers will implement all of these parameters.
It is up to individual server implementors to decide which parameters will be supported,
since some of these are WebSTAR-specific. It is possible that other server implementors
will add additional parameters beyond the ones supported by WebSTAR as well.
/** Keywords used to get/set WebSTAR parameters with WSAPI_Get/SetParameter **/
/** Note that these have the same definitions and formats as AppleEvent parameters
of the same value. With the exceptions noted below, all parameters are of type
"typeChar." The two numeric values below should be noted.
typedef enum {
piPathArgKeyword = '----',
piSearchArgKeyword = 'kfor',
piUserKeyword = 'user',
piPasswordKeyword = 'pass',
piFromUser = 'frmu',
piAddressKeyword = 'addr',
piPostKeyword = 'post',
piMethodKeyword = 'meth',
piServerName = 'svnm',
piServerPort = 'svpt', //typeShortInteger - IP port (e.g, 80)
piScriptName = 'scnm',
piContentType = 'ctyp',
piContentLength = 'CLen', //typeLongInteger - the content-length header field (if any) from HTTP request
piRefererKeyword = 'refr',
piUserAgentKeyword = 'Agnt',
piActionKeyword = 'Kact',
piActionPathKeyword = 'Kapt',
piClientIPAddress = 'Kcip', //typeLongInteger - 4 byte IP address
piFullRequestKeyword = 'Kfrq',
//new for plug-ins only
piFileMIMEType = 'Mime', // The MIME type of the URL in piScriptName
piServerField = 'SvFd', // The HTTP header field for this server. e.g., "Server: WebSTAR/1.3 ID/22"
piServerDirectoryPath = 'SPth', // A C string representing the complete (machine-specific) path name of the server's working directory
piURLPhysicalPath = 'UPth', // If the URL represents an actual file in the file system, this parameter contains its name relative to the server's root.
piIfModifiedSince = 'IfMS', // short. True if the file has been modified since last retrieval or if modification cannot be determined. False if unchanged.
piIfModifiedDate = 'IfMD', //## typeChar, R/O, if-modified-since date string from HTTP request header
piCurrentRealm = 'CRlm', // typeChar, 256 max. The realm (if any) that the requested URL belongs to.
// WSAPI_E_RequestFailed will be returned by GetParameter if this value isn't defined for the current request.
piURLFileRef = 'Pufr', //## typeFSS, R/0, Server-specific reference to file in the native O/S. On the
// Mac with WebSTAR, this is a FSSpec to actual file being requested if it
// really exists on disk. Nonexistent files will have a FSSpec that has all
// fields set to zero and the name field will be empty.
//log- and status-related values
piConnectionID = 'LCID', //long - unique # for each connection for this run of the server
piServerUniqueID = 'LSID', //long - unique # across all current server invocations on this machine
// note: the value of the WebSTAR message-id: field can be generated with the following C printf format,
// using the values of the preceding two properties: